April '19

April '19

The Story

While philosophizing on the April sock model, Supreme Sock Council members noticed that the advent of spring bring with it a strong stimulus for variation and diversity when it comes to human behavior.

It is enough to look at several popular spring holidays and the peculiar human behavior that accompanies them.

One of the biggest and most popular spring celebratory events is the Thai holiday of Songkran, a water battle of everyone against everyone, during which it is not unusual to meet an opponent accompanied by an elephant armed with a water-loaded trunk.

To experience an even higher level of craziness, you would have to visit the annual Gloucester Cheese Rolling, an event where participants chase after a large round of cheese cast down Cooper's Hill in Gloucestershire, England. The event takes place in spite of the local medical workers' efforts to ban the uncontrolled downhill racing, pointing to the limited capacity of local hospitals.

The best method, however, is to add some vivid colors to an unusual custom. For Czechs, it is enough to find the nearest willow, cut off several young twigs, braid them, tie several colorful ribbons to the end and uphold the Czech tradition of honoring women by tapping them gently on the behind, in order to keep the bad spirits and illnesses at bay.

In short, spring inspires brightness and diversity in terms of colors, patterns of behavior and, in general, frolicking of any sort. That is why your April sock model is based on colorful timbres and vivacious patterns.


Ponožky v akci

P D Pavel Doležal Sockfellow
J L Jan Libánský Sockfellow

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