October '18

October '18

The Story

While conceiving this month’s pattern, Supreme Sock Council focused its attention on the upcoming Czech centenary. October 28th takes all the glory for the events that transpired in the period, however much of the decisive work took place on days that today receive less recognition. See for yourself. Demonstrations for independence in Prague commenced on October 14th. On October 17th, the future first Czechoslovak President, T. G. Masaryk, sent the President of the U.S.A. a declaration of independence. In the afternoon of October 20th, Czechoslovakia paradoxically found itself in the position of the only successor state of the fallen Austro-Hungarian Empire. And finally, on the twenty-second day of October, the Habsburg emperor Karl I asked Czech and Slovak politicians to ensure that the inevitable events transpire without bloodshed. On October 28th, the declaration of independence was issued and the streets were taken until dawn in celebration of independence. From this it follows that we should celebrate throughout the entire month, or at least for its entire second half. October’s non-holidays also left a historic legacy in terms of culture and technological advancement. For example October 22nd, 1882, saw the commencement of operations on the railroad from Lovosice to Postoloprty. On October 13th, 1903, the horse-drawn tram in Bohumín was replaced by a steam engine. In 1924, on the 18th day, the abstract painter and sculptor Karel Malich first opened his eyes. The legendary actor Rudolf Hrušínský first saw the light of day on the 17th of October, 1920. To add the fireworks, let us not forget October of 2014, when the first Czech sock of Ponožkovice was born. We simply could not choose a different pattern this month.


Ponožky v akci

Libor Olič Libor Olič Sockfellow
Z Č Zuzana Čapková Sockfellow

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